"...every single creation is a sacred creation 
for all things are of nature..."


In this transmission Ryokah talks about:

Extraterrestrial Consciousness is actually interdimensional consciousness.

Extraterrestrial beings are in a certain sense astral, in a certain sense they are non-physical, but because they are non-physical through the astral plane they can present as what you call quasi-physical, appearing to be solid, appearing to be real in nature, yet they are unreal.

Right now on your planet different factions and different groups are having a type of space race, but it’s not a destructive space race, it’s actually a space race of invocation, which faction, which group will have their extraterrestrial egregore summoned, which group would be the one that causes the extraterrestrial form to crystallize in a particular way.

Many of you have different religious systems on earth, some of you are Buddhists, Muslims some of you are whatever you label yourself to be.

Each of these gods that exist within these religious systems represents supermassive black holes fundamentally. Now a supermassive black hole is so infinite it cannot be really quantified, it cannot be really contained even by mathematics and scientific means of measuring, it still proves to your scientist and technicians as challenging to fully comprehend, as challenging to fully measure. 
So in order to interact with the supermassive black hole, the concept of a God is created. Now a god as you know never acts alone, in some traditions the God creates angels, in other traditions the gods create demi gods, in other traditions the gods create avatars nonetheless is the same hierarchical mechanism, so right now the different religious system on your planet, many of them not aware of it are actually paving the way, what is the way they are paving?

It depends on what you think, based on what we are saying, we are not saying one god is the true god, we are not saying one god is the only god, that would be like saying there is only one Source, yet as you can see because of all of your existences in your own discreet parallel reality versions of Earth, you are all Sources as you can see there are infinite Sources.

The delusion of religion is the following delusion, there is only one Source, I have that connection, everybody else is wrong and now I am going to prove it to you, that is the delusion of religion. Now what is the truth of religion all religions come to life if given belief system frequencies of energy. Now what does that mean, we will break it up in two ways.

Some people project positive beliefs onto religion, some people project negative beliefs onto religion, some groups project neutral beliefs onto religion that will summon a different dimension of the religions primarily egregore which as we have said it is fundamentally a supermassive black hole, the supermassive black hole is like the void space portal that is capable of summoning whatever humanity projects upon it, so all of these different religious systems are projecting energy, they don’t know they are doing this, we are talking about this from the astral perspective.

So keep in mind what we are saying here is unconscious for many, they don’t know this is happening, but we are narrating what we see in the astral plane. These different religious groups and organizations are sending energies into different supermassive black holes, these different supermassive black holes which are really just void space portals, take those prayers, take those projections, take those thought forms and then they create celestial bodies. 
The first celestial body created in this sequence of creational hierarchy is the star, so first and foremost the supermassive black hole will create dark matter, dark matter eventually clumps together and it engenders what you would call light, visible light, that’s what you call the stars, stars are simply dark matter conglomerates that have gain so much energy that they flip into their polarity and translate as visual light.

The stars then give rise to visual light, act as you could say progenitors of yang, they create yang chi or the fire principle or the masculine principle. So the supermassive black hole creates then from its yin feminine reservoir of power, masculine power. Dark energy creates light energy. Once light and dark come together through the engendering of stars which give out visible light, planets are then engendered as the next level within the creational hierarchy. And then finally from planets you have the idea of incarnated forms of consciousness, plants, animals even minerals are forms of incarnated consciousness, and finally what you perceive to be human.

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