When you believe in ideas that are truly natural to who you are and when you express those ideas through action you then channel the higher self, and your ability to channel the higher self grows and grows and grows so you can then allow more light through it and that light translates as greater levels of intelligence such as the soul, all the way up to the oversoul but it is the higher self that is in a sense the first step in that process and it is the belief system that you utilize that allows you to take that first step because if you are using beliefs that are disempowering and are taking actions that are disempowering then that in a sense cuts you off from being able to take that first step that is the channeling of the higher self.
It will be very useful in relationship to really understanding how your consciousness works and how your physical mind works, so you can use the physical mind as a tool so you can exist in a perpetual flow state because that is actually how you are designed to experience physical reality.
Many of you experience physical reality with just the mental level being active, the realm of the beliefs, the realm of the thoughts, the realm of the feelings, however when you remain in that level you are not fully allowing in the higher self, you are not fully allowing in the soul or the oversoul, so we will be describing to you how to let go of attachments to the physical mind so it can serve you as a tool so it can serve you as a foundation that you stand upon as you then gaze upwardly to the higher frequency realms, enabling for more easily again experience yourself, your soul and your oversoul.